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Axanar Update – December 2018

By December 17, 2018Axanar News

A successful Axacon, the Bridge set looks amazing, patches are coming and production moves forward!

This post will allow you to access all the main updates we have posted so you don’t have to read everything!

Axanar Production Update

Our director, DP, Editor and myself  are all working towards a Spring shoot.  Sadly we couldn’t meet at Axacon as our editor. Mark Edward Lewis, got sick and had to cancel his trip to Atlanta from L.A. and our DP was shooting a feature.   But we have all been talking and trying to lay out a shooting schedule.

You can read about everything in our last production update here:

Axanar Production Update – December 2018

USS Ares Bridge Update

A lot of great news about the bridge!  Find out what is happening with the USS Ares Bridge Set on our blog here and on You Tube here:

And YES we will be shooting on this set!

Axanar Fulfillment Update

What is up with the perks?  Patches for the Indiegogo campaign are in process and more.  Read about it here:

And in other news….


Axacon is the Axanar convention and for Axanar fans to meet their favorite actors and the Axanar production team. The 2018 was a smashing success and you can find both Alec’s and Jonathan’s reviews of each day here:

Axanar Financial Update

Find out the latest financial information on the Axanar project. (and how Alec spent $ 35,000 of his own money in 2017 to keep Axanar alive and pay off the last of the legal bills).

Please follow all of the updates on what is happening at where we post updates on all of the above on a regular basis.

Team Axanar

Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • Starius says:

    The set is looking great! I would love to see some details of it’s creation – along with other props – included with the final Axanar release!

  • Bob Oval says:

    How have you managed to get around the lawsuit? Will the film be in one part or split into multiple 15 min parts. Ps Loving Prelude

  • Stephen Farthing says:

    I have been following the ongoing problems with interest and I have felt for some time that Anaxar had been the correct path to reconnect the JJ universe with the original path left behind with ‘ Enterprise’ As a veteran Trek enthusiast I hadn’t liked Discovery, because it had somewhat jarred the legend and put it a bit askew. Sense has finally prevailed with both CBS and Paramount, and I look forward to seeing this. Great pity that Richard Hatch passed away, his character of Kharn was most intriguing. And I wish good luck to you all in the development of Anaxar from the British Isles.

  • John Green says:

    So I noticed in the “axanar update” picture with the ares class ship and space station there’s an excelsior class ship in the back ground. Is this an oversight? The excelsior class didn’t come into being until long after TOS.

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