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Happy New Year!

By January 2, 2017 Axanar News



Everyone here at Axanar wants to wish all of our loyal fans a very Happy New Year!  While so many think 2016 was an awful year (it was for many reasons), we are looking to 2017 to be a great year.  The trial begins January 31st and we are hoping for a positive result.  And we want everyone to have a positive year.  So remember, do your best, challenge yourself to be better, and have faith!


Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Brian Heite says:

    Happy New Year to all of the Axanar family! We all still stand with you, and hope that we get a positive resolution and can move forward with a fantastic movie!

  • Nick Wion says:

    CBS has a history of discarding shows with great potential for no discernible reason, like Star Trek TOS, and Threshold to name a few, not to mention Supergirl. Even their once proud news division has become a lap dog for Government and Corporate interests. I will not support this new show they are producing for many reasons, one is that it will only be available by subscription to a secondary content provider. Why would they not put it on CBS network if they had any care for their fans at all? Their local station here in Detroit became a 2nd tier channel years ago when it moved from channel 2 VHF to channel 62 UHF and Fox took over channel 2. I guess they gave up on the Detroit market back then, too.

  • Happy New Year, Cap’n! =D

    …best of luck, as case heads to trial!

    we’re all behind you! Go Team Axanar!

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