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HAPPY HOLIDAYS! (and free stuff for our donors!)

By December 21, 2021 Ares Studios, Captain's Log

Axanar is giving away holiday cheer!

This week, as a THANK YOU to all of our donors, we will be giving away a holiday present to celebrate each of the four major holidays this month!

Hanukkah (Nov. 28 – Dec. 6)
Christmas (Dec. 25th)
Kwanzaa (Dec. 26 – Jan. 1)
Festivus! (Dec. 23rd)

Since the first holiday of the month was Hanukkah, which ended on December 6th, we are giving away the two poster set from our upcoming comedy web series “Jewish Space Laser Corps”. This is free for all donors to Axanar or Ares Studios Patreon Donors and customers of the Ares Studios Store!

Just pay $4.95 shipping (it comes in a sturdy cardboard tube) and the posters are yours!

Go here and use password HOLIDAYCHEER


You ALSO get 35% off all Jewish Space Laser merchandise this week! (use discount code JSLCORPS)

And stay tuned for your holiday cheer every day this week!



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