Monday, November 2nd, 2015
Today is a travel day for me as I head to Ticonderoga, New York and the Star Trek: New Voyages sets. Tomorrow (Tuesday) is prep day and we shoot Wednesday/Thursday.
It has been 5 years since I first played Captain Garth in the unreleased Star Trek: New Voyages episode “Origins”, directed by David Gerrold. Back then I got to play opposite Matthew Ewald, a young, very talented actor who was portraying a young James T. Kirk at the academy. James Cawley of Star Trek: New Voyages tells me “Origins” will be released this year, which is great since it directly ties into “Heroes”!
Director Robert Meyer Burnett leaves on the red eye tonight and Milton Santiago is already en route. We will be using New Voyages crew for the shoot!
Saw the “Heroes” photo album on the Axanar Facebook page and I have to say Steve Ihnat’s costume looks damn good on you Alec! Looking forward to seeing this vignette.