Monday started with a meeting at Paramount with Adam Nimoy and his team. We helped them with their Kickstarter for “For the Love of Spock”, Adam’s documentary about his father, and today was to make sure they had a good handle on their fulfillment, offer up Ares Digital to them, and then coordinate Adam helping promote the Axanar Indiegogo.
Then at 5:00 Rob Burnett and I did the Starfleet Escape Podcast.
I didn’t get done with work till about 9:00, so a very long day. That is 100% Axanar work. I don’t do anything else but produce Axanar. And I love it. Because you guys make it worthwhile.
It’s work well appreciated and I, for one, am looking forward to the project’s completion! Thanks for your diligence in keeping everyone up with recent events!
How I envy you! From the moment you wake up, to the second you lay your head on your pillow, your day is spent doing something you really love to do. It shows. And we’re thankful you have the chance. Keep the Dream Alive!