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Captain’s Log – Jan. 19th, 2016

By January 20, 2016 Captain's Log
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Diana adores the piece of Dragon Con!

Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016

Today was the first day moving up to the new offices and out of the lobby where Diana, Jarrod and I have had our desks for the past year!  With Jeff and Teresa finishing the carpeting this weekend, we were set to start moving up.  We needed a few pieces of furniture, so Jarrod and Curtis headed to Ikea.  Meanwhile, the guys are working in the studio on putting up the lighting grid.

We also got in something I bought, which was a piece of Dragon Con carpeting from the Marriott in Atlanta.  Those of us who have been attending Dragon Con for years loved this carpet and when it was ripped out this past Fall, a bunch of enterprising people salvaged pieces and sold them on eBay.  I got a beautiful and cheap piece for myself and we are going to put it down as a runner upstairs.

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Diana’s office takes shape.

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Jarrod assembles some furniture from Ikea

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Moving up the decor!

Meanwhile….What Happens

Thanks for your support!

Alec Peters

Axanar Creator

Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • Brian Heite says:

    Nice post, great to see the studio taking shape so you can get things going in a decent environment. Great deal with the carpet. Appreciation and thanks to all your hard workers there!

  • Garry Kellogg says:

    That piece of carpet should have been hung in the lobby behind the receptionist.

  • Doug says:

    Love the new digs!

  • Rob Alfieri says:

    They’re crazy to remove that carpet. It was spectacular. Until some amazing photos of that atrium years ago. I’ll have to dig them up. Glad you salvaged some. I would frame it behind reception. 🙂

  • James says:

    Congratulations of the new offices. Looking good (and cheep!)! 😉

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