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Captain’s Log – August 22nd/23rd, 2015

By August 24, 2015 Captain's Log

Prelude Blu Ray

Saturday, August 22nd & Sunday, August 23rd, 2015

The big news of the weekend was of course the arrival of the Prelude to Axanar Blu-ray. On Saturday, while I recovered from my surgery, Diana went up to the studio and started shipping out Blu-rays!  That is dedication for you!

One thing Diana told me that dismayed me, was that she had gotten some complaints from some donors who were complaining that others were getting their Starfleet Emergency Response patches before they got their perk shipments.  It seems that some people see the photos of other donors getting their patches and wonder why they didn’t get their Axanar perks first.  So here are some points to consider…

1)  The Starfleet Emergency Response patches were part of a separate fundraiser for a family who lost their house in a fire.  We had someone specifically helping with shipping out those patches in a timely manner using THAT crowdfunding platform (gofundme).  So they were not part of our regular perk shipping process since they weren’t Axanar donor perks. (Think of it as a separate business).

2)  Diana is a pro, with 20+ years in retail management and knows what she is doing.  Complaining about perk shipping typically is because you haven’t read the consistent updates Diana publishes on her fulfillment blog and kept informed on what is shipping, when and why.

3)  Finally, COME ON PEOPLE!  Diana busts her ass every week day (and usually weekends too) to stay on top of perk shipping, and gets paid a fraction of what she could make if she were working elsewhere.  She does it because she loves Star Trek and she loves Axanar and while almost all of the feedback she gets is positive, the few complainers tend to put a dampener on things.   Try not to be THAT person and instead, sit back, enjoy the constant flow of content on the Axanar website and Youtube page and be a positive part of the community.  You hopefully donated to help us make a movie, and so enjoy the process that we constantly share with you all, and our mutual love of Star Trek.  And say something nice to Diana.  None of this would happen without her.


And the Parsec Awards are next week at Dragon Con.  The Parsec awards celebrate speculative fiction podcasting and Axanar has been nominated for Best Podcast about Speculative Fiction Content Creation.  Stay tuned as we report live from the awards next week!


Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • John says:

    Yes, you tell am Alec, Ms. Diana, kicks A@#, and we all know it! THANX ONE MORE TIME! (I know it won’t be the last time I say that)

  • Ben Willis says:

    “Captain on the Bridge!”

    So glad to see you are recovering well and continuing to “Fight the Good Fight” – although sad to hear that some make it more of a fight than it needs to be. Thank you, Alec and Diana, for your love of Star Trek, your dedication to quality, your perseverance, your sense of fairness, and your ability to say what needs to be said without losing your cool!


  • bsl says:

    You guys all rock, and I do enjoy the constant stream of information, it’s like a good little serial in itself 😉

    P.s. im not on Facebook

  • Mandie says:

    There will always be a few whiners in every crowd. Ignore them. We love you, Diana! I feel privileged to have such a sweet and dedicated person working on this project.

  • Doug says:

    Alec – glad to hear your health is improving.
    Diana – I think everyone will join me in thanking you for your dedication to the project and for all your hard work. I ordered a t-shirt a couple weeks ago and was stunned that it shipped only a couple hours after posting the order. When I received it there was a hand written note of thanks from you. WOW! So THANK YOU for all you are doing. Someone issue this woman a medal!

  • John says:

    OK I JUST LEFT THE INDIEGOGO SITE AND…….. WE’VE GOT $500,000.00, We’re on are way!!!!!!

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