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Axanar Podcast # 17 – Year in Review

By January 24, 2015 April 29th, 2016 Axanar News


2014 ended in a way we never imagined when the first Axanar Kickstarter was launched. What began in the spring as a project to create a unique fan film that was a notch above what had been done before turned into a juggernaught. Support for Prelude to Axanar was incredible, but what came afterwards was unbelievable. Thanks to you, our amazing supporters, Axanar has transformed into a professional studio production that shows the power of Star Trek fans as well as their thirst for great storytelling.

In this episode of the official Axanar podcast, hosts Robert Meyer Burnett and Alec Peters look back at the year that was, how the initial steps were planned and executed, the appeal of Axanar, and how a devoted community has turned this dream into a movement. We also delve into the future of Star Trek, where the franchise might go on television, and what we’d like to see in the years to come.

In our news segment we bring you an update on Ares Studios, learn about the upcoming Propworx Star Trek auction, and find out what Alec was doing along with many of our favorite Trek actors as they stepped back in time to the Mercury Theatre on the Air.

Here’s how to listen…

Show Notes and Streaming: http://www.trek.fm/axp/17

Subscribe in iTunes: http://hyprch.nl/itn-ax

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Stitcher: http://hyprch.nl/sti-ax

Downcast and Instacast: Search for “Axanar” RSS Feed: http://axanar.libsyn.com/rss

Also subscribe to the Trek.fm Master Feed: http://hyprch.nl/itn-master

And find all of our shows on our artist page at http://itunes.com/trekfm * Some feeds may not display the latest episode immediately.

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Chantern says:

    When do you think that Star Trek will come back as a TV series (which moves the story forward, unlike Enterprise or the remake of the original)? Or is that time over? Will the future be determined by crowd funding and webisodes, that’s cool too, as long as I get my dose of Star Trek.

    • Mike says:

      To answer the question “Will Star Trek ever return to TV ?” The short answer is “Yes” simply because success on the big screen translates into viewer demographic’s that drive the whole TV business thing… but the real reason Star Trek is successful is a little more complex …ask yourself, am I the idealist that likes Roddenberry view of a hopeful future where the human community comes together without regard to our petty differences.

  • Eric says:

    Full disclosure: I am a Canadian mailman. I am a donor. I have no ties to the entertainment business.

    Playing devils advocate here; what if Axanar takes off and is wildly successful? At what point will CBS and Paramount stop letting you play in the Star Trek sandbox when they discover you’re damn good at what you do?

    Axanar, and other fan productions, walk a fine line into infringement. Do the studio’s have control over such things as, what makes up the components of a starship (ie. Saucer section and two nacelles.) color coded uniforms, pointy ears?

    I think you have a real chance at knocking this out of the park and I would just hate to see it hampered in some way.

    Perhaps you could answer this question on one of your future podcasts.


  • Brian says:

    I’m a relatively “young” donor and just jumped into this podcast. It’s a nice review to catch up but I think there is still a lot to catch up. The prelude video is so compelling that I had to pass it on to my other friends. I’ve watched it five times and each time it’s so amazing.

    Congrats to your studio foundation

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