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Rob Burnett Holding Axanar Footage Hostage

By June 6, 2019Captain's Log

Our lawsuit against Robert Meyer Burnett continues.  Rob has all of the digital assets of Axanar since Prelude (with the exception of the raw footage of “Heroes” shot in 2015) and refuses to return them.  He is basically holding Axanar hostage.

Now he has been lying to everyone and saying that he returned them on two hard drives he put in my office in 2016.  But those two hard drives (seen above) only hard a portion of all the digital assets.  Here is what those two drives had:

so Yes, Rob gave me two hard drives in 2016, and NO they did not include most of the Axanar Assets, just Prelude and the raw footage from “Heroes”.

And here are the assets Rob refuses to return to Axanar.


The Vulcan Scene, including, but not limited to, all raw footage, transcodes, edits, pre-viz, VFX, sound, music, and BTS (Behind the Scenes) footage.

Heroes edited footage. Axanar is in possession of the raw footage but nothing else. BURNETT worked on Heroes for months and provided none of his edits.

Origins Interviews and edited versions. BURNETT worked on Origins for over a year and provided none of his edits.

Axanar Pre-viz

Axanar VFX, including early versions and pre-viz

Axanar BTS interviews

Axanar Title sequences from Territory.

All BTS shot at Ares Studios in Los Angeles


As can be seen by the above, no footage after June 22, 2015, with the exception of raw “Heroes” footage on the drive labeled “Heroes”, has ever been provided. ALL content after June 22, 2015 is being withheld.  Basically Rob is keeping all footage he ever worked on.  Childish and illegal.

We are suing Rob and won’t stop until we get everything that belongs to us.  This belongs to Axanar and the donors, not Rob Burnett.  And I am happy to burn money on this until we get justice.

Alec Peters

Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • Lance Ripplinger says:

    Crossing my fingers justice is served and you get all the files back!

  • Chris M. says:

    He’s a scumbag..

  • Michael Montelongo says:

    Have you verified that the files are even on the Hard drives any more? Working in the business its not uncommon to write over those hard drives once a project is “wrapped”. I’d be terrified he used those hard drives for other work and overwrote the data.

  • Shane Freund says:

    It amazes me how scumbags like Rob continue to get through life without someone taking them out. Sooner or later he’s gonna get on the wrong side of the wrong person and they won’t be interested in financial compensation. And just to be clear I’m not advocating violence against the man. In the short term violence may solve a problem but in the long term it hurts us all.

  • Bob Griffing says:

    Nail his ass to the wall and watch it bleed!!!!

  • Edward J Cox says:

    Why? Have you asked him why?

    There’s no way to use this without infringing and breaking the law. Damn shame your having to cope with this as well.

  • Roger R Robertson says:

    I got faith in ya Cap’n !! I know you won’t give up until you get all the ‘missing’ belongings returned. Can’t understand to what RMB thinks he’s gonna gain from these antics. On another note, I think all of us ‘Axanarians’ ought to have t-shirts made up that read, ‘ Hi, I’m Alec Peters. Please, take advantage of or pick on me. I like ironing out chaos.’ or “Never mind the person behind the neck-collar, he’s only a resemblence to a facsimilie of Mr Peters.” “Just ask Carlos, Gabe or Shaun, they seem to be experts in lying & exaggerating any/all info about Alec Peters, just to design a false life about him ! They can only attempt BS, to try & do Mr Alec & ‘Axanar’, harm.” We’re with ya 110%, Cap’n !!

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