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Captain’s Log – June 19th, 2018

By June 20, 2018Captain's Log

Tuesday, June 19th, 2018

Well, we finally made the announcement and Axacon is a go!  The official Axanar convention will finally happen and it is already shaping up to be epic.

You can read the Axacon Press Release here.

We have partnered with SphinxCon, the official Honor Harrington convention, which will be an awesome event all about the Honorverse and featuring its creator, David Weber.  Now, if you have not read any of the Honor Harrington books, you need to!  Start with On Basilisk Station, which is free for download here. And The Honor of the Queen, which is available free here.


Now the Honor Harrington books are the gold standard in serialized military fiction.  And The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, is really a fantastic fan club and represents the franchise well.  And one thing I want to understand is the status of Honor Harrington in movies or TV.  Why don’t we have an Honor Harrington movie or streaming service series?

SphinxCon, the successor to HonorCon and MantiCon, expects roughly 300-350 attendees, and we think we can add at least 100 on top of that.

A weekend ticket to SphinxCon is $ 50 and then Axacon is a $25 add-on ticket, which gets you into all Axanar panels and regular events.  There will be special events as well that will require individual tickets.  And of course a studio tour and bridge photo-ops. Tickets will go on sale within the next few days when we get our ticketing system set up.  Sorry, but for this year, you will have to buy your SphinxCon ticket and your Axacon ticket on separate sites.

Reserve your hotel room at the awesome Crowne Plaza Atlanta here.

And lots of news coming…


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