“Heroes” shoot Day 1
Wednesday, Nov. 4th, 2015
The first day of shooting saw some challenges as we had to relight the corridor set as James Cawley was insistent that the soft lighting Milton was using just wasn’t “TOS”. We debated whether to do it or not, and in the end felt to respect James, we would. So Milton and the New Voyages team spent 3 hours relighting the set while we worked on the first scene to shoot. Ultimately the corridor lighting was a hybrid of TOS and more modern lighting techniques. After all, we weren’t going for that historical recreation that the TOS fan films do. But the result honors TOS and still has a modern flair.
On that subject, the big change in the way Milton and Rob shot Heroes is the aspect ratio. Heroes and Axanar are being shot in 2.35:1, which is cinematic wide screen. TOS and the TOS fan films are shot in 4:3, which is old school TV aspect ratio. Not being a historical recreation, we are shooting Axanar to look like a modern movie. I can tell you, Rob and I were constantly giddy about how AMAZING the shoot looked in the camera.
Doc John (McCoy) and Brandon Stacy (Spock) weren’t getting in till mid day, so the day started off with a big scene between Kirk and Garth.
For another scene I wore my original Garth of Izar tunic that was worn by Steve Inhat in “Whom Gods Destroy” and got lots of compliments. It is really amazing to get to wear the original costume and honor Steve Inhat’s performance.
I really have to thank our on-set photographer Garth Gullekson. Yeah, his name is Garth too! How cool is that? He is a truly amazing photographer and was a pleasure to have on set. We are so lucky to have him. All these photos are his! Thanks Garth!
WOW…that is some amazing stuff. I can’t wait to see it. Keep up the good work.
The green lighting in the last 2 photos above looks a bit fugly, otherwise pretty awesome.
I can’t wait to see it!!!
AWESOME-NESS!!! I Love you guys!! =D
Can’t wait to see it!