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First Klingon VFX Shot Pre-Viz

By June 12, 2024Axanar News

Axanar VFX is well under way!  And this is the very first scene of the Klingon D-7s that the Axanar VFX crews are working on.

The Axanar team, specifically Axanar creator and producer Alec Peters, and post-production supervisor and editor Mark Edward Lewis, both wanted to get away from the two dimensional way space battles are always photographed in Star Trek.  Euphemistically called “The Space Lake” as ships are shot as if they are sailing on a lake rather than in the 3 dimensions of space, Alec and Mark have been working with the VFX teams on HOW to shoot the ships of Axanar to be both more realistic in the movement and more interesting cinemagraphicaly.

This shot was the first pass at how to introduce the D-7s.

For more Behind the Scenes shots of the VFX, check out the Ares Patreon campaign:

We are releasing more Pre-Viz and select finished VFX shots on the Ares Productions Patreon campaign and you can follow all of the action for as little as $2 a month! Being a Patron of Ares Productions helps the team create new content such as our Axanar BTS, the Orville Fan Film and live streams that keep you all up to date on our progress.

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