Yes, seven years after the CBS/Paramount lawsuit settled, Axanar is wrapped!
This past weekend we shot the final two actors from a cast of 19 and it went spectacularly well! I can tell you everyone is happy with the results and we are excited to get to post production.
What exactly does being wrapped mean? It means we have shot all the actors and live action for the two Axanar episodes and we now focus on compositing and VFX to finish the visuals and Mark and his team will focus on sound design and music, with Mark editing everything together.
So stay tuned as there are other Axanar projects by other creators coming out and we are driving towards a summer 2024 release of Axanar’s next two epsidoes!

We shot our Klingon Mor’o this past weekend. This is actually Kor’s costume from DS9’s “Blood Oath”. We added the sash and Klingon medals.

JP Pool was our BTS videographer

Our safety meeting!

Dana Wagner at his post managing the bridge!

We remember our friend Gary Graham. This was shot at our October shoot.
Fantastic work and well done to you all! I had never heard of Axanar until 2 years ago and have been hooked ever since hoping for it’s completion. So very excited and ready to bask in it’s awesomeness later this year. If only movie studios did such great work and would strive to reach the new Axanar Standard! LLAP
A huge step in realizing the dream! Congrats to all. The finished product will be epic (and something CBS/Paramount will be envious of)! LLAP
Happy it’s on the can 😉
Great work happy, its done it figures I typed it wrong great work will be waiting for the final blue ray’s when we get them thanks for all the hard fought stuff since 2014 I know it’s been a laborious struggle. Thanks again. Axanar!
We are lucky Angela and me to be part of this fantastic project, we a great team. A special thanks for Alec Peters, he gives us the opportunity to make The Cage Era tunics for the production.
The Trek universe won’t be quite the same without Mr. Graham. RIP.
Mr. Graham is greatly missed. RIP.
Great work happy, its done it figures I typed it wrong great work will be waiting for the final blue ray’s when we get them thanks for all the hard fought stuff since 2014 I know it’s been a laborious struggle. Thanks again. Axanar! REST Peacefully Gary Graham miss you already, thanks for the great memories.
Great News!
I hope that Gary Graham has a good on screen Tribute as he gave his all to make this film the success it will be?
Amazing Actor and one of the best I’ve seen whom made Enterprise series really great to watch.
Maybe you could ask Jolene Blalock ( enterprises T’pol )
to do a role in the next part of Axanar as a ancestor
of T’pol involved with the Axanar timeline?
She would I am sure love to do a part. She is one of my favorite actresses in the Star Trek Cannon Universe.
Looking forward to seeing the Axanar story onwards from where we 1st saw it.
It’s been an interesting and Long haul!
Can’t wait to see it