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Final Axanar Shoot Set for February!

By January 13, 2024February 28th, 2024Captain's Log

The final shoot for Axanar is set and the two day shoot will host the final two actors out of the 18 in the two 15 minute scripts!  While the team had hoped the Sep/Oct. shoot this past Fall would be the last, one actor cancelled and another we have decided to reshoot after viewing the footage.  In addition there are a couple inserts we will be shooting, but the team is excited that Axanar will be wrapped next month!

2024 marks the tenth anniversary of Prelude to Axanar, and the team is excited to be wrapping up this saga that has seen so many challenges:

The lawsuit by CBS/Paramount

Moving the studio across the country

Covid shutting down the film industry for 18 months.

A lawsuit against Paul Jenkins for filing a fraudulent copyright on the Axanar script.

CBS & Paramount violating the settlement agreement in an attempt to scuttle Axanar.

And despite all of this, Axanar will be finished this year! What is especially exciting is that the main crew will have been the same through all 5 film shoots since 2021.  Lead by Alec Peters, the two directors, Ted Brunetti and Mark Edward Lewis, the DP Geoff Fagien, the gaffer Jim Ross  and the sound team of Chris Manz and Barry Rathbun have been at every shoot, as well as others like Dana Wagner, Scott Good, Dale Simpson and of course, Crysstal Hubbard.

And now with the addition of Dave Lanyon and Gudni Gudnason as executive producers, funding the entire production, the team is firing on all cylinders!

Mark Edward Lewis started the process of post production early, with the first assemblies, despite being incomplete, having been put together early last year. This has allowed Alec and Mark to change the script as needed and add or subtract scenes and dialogue.  Both are very happy with the result so far.

“The assemblies have been a huge benefit to us.” said Mark Edward Lewis, who is both co-director and editor. “Alec wanted to see the footage set up early, and so we have used storyboard images and clips from Prelude where we haven’t filmed actors yet. We then laid a temporary soundtrack over it and it allows us to see how everything flows.  We have had numerous sessions reviewing the assemblies and made lots of changes, some subtle, some not.  It has been a huge benefit.”

The team hopes to premier the next two episodes this summer.  Stay tuned for more info on the final shoot!

Team Axanar

Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • Ian Jones says:

    Congratulations on your achievement, and thank you for your commitment. It has been a long time, but greatness doesn’t come quick. Looking forward to the final result.

  • Bret Atkins says:

    Are these shoots open to fans to come and quietly watch?

  • Things are moving right along now—it’s exciting to know the finish is in sight for Alec and everyone who’s had a hand in this. We can’t wait to see the finished episodes!

  • Shane Freund says:

    This is awesome Alec. I wish you had been able to finish it in time for ECCC this year. It would have been great to have you up here in Washington again. Have you decided where you want to premier it yet?

  • Rodney Seaforth says:

    Look forward to seeing the finished work!

  • Hey team Axanar.
    Excited to see the final result of your labour of love for the world of Star Trek, and with all the hard work you’ve put into to this incredible effort. It’s been a long road getting from a to b, but you have endured,
    and of that you all should be and need to be proud. Surely it’s only the wrap for this particular story?,
    and so, in the hope for future endeavours, I thank you for keeping the torch lit for high quality TOS
    Star Trek entertainment, the likes of which all true fans love the most.
    Live long and prosper.
    Mike Grentzmann

  • Lee Benjamin says:

    It’s been a long road…
    And I’m happy to have been able to help over those ten years. Best of luck and a happy post production.

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