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Copyright Fraud Paul Jenkins Sued for over $300,000 in Unpaid Legal Fees

By December 18, 2023January 16th, 2024Axanar Legal Watch

Back in 2020, during COVID, Alec Peters fired then director Paul Jenkins for unprofessional behavior and inappropriate behavior towards women, specifically Alec’s fiance, Crysstal Hubbard. Paul, who in his latest scheme, was trying to make a film production company (Meta Studios) despite minimal experience in film making, was hoping to use Axanar to help his production company.

Alec fired Paul after Paul sent a totally inappropriate an unprofessional email to Alec in May 2020.  After waiting a month for Paul to come to his senses, Alec wrote the below email in which Alec offered a walk away that allowed Paul to keep his co-director credit and to part ways amicably. Paul refused and immediately began trying to screw Axanar by denying Alec and Axanar the right to use the footage donors had paid over $65,000 to secure.

At first Paul claimed Axanar couldn’t use the footage because he was the director.  Alec’s attorney pointed out no such right existed. Then Paul filed a copyright on Alec’s script that he and Alec had edited as co-authors.  Alec’s attorney again pointed out that no such right existed, that co-authors did not have veto rights.  Paul then withdrew the copyright he had sworn to be the truth, and now filed a FRAUDULENT copyright claiming he was the sole author.  Alec and his attorney told Paul to walk away, but when Paul lied and posted a defamatory press release, we sued him.


Paul is 100% responsible for this lawsuit.

And now it turns out that Paul hasn’t ever had the money for this lawsuit. He has stiffed his attorney of the last 6 years for over $300,000 (including a lot of work BEFORE I sued him).  So Paul could have walked away and never spent any effort or legal fees, but Paul needed to be a dick to Axanar, and so now he is $300,000 in debt to his last set of lawyers.  And we don’t even know how much he owes his current set of lawyers, though Paul claims he has spent $650,000 on the lawsuit (surely another Paul Jenkins lie).  AND HE COULD HAVE WALKED AWAY!


So don’t by Paul’s unending line of Bullshit.  He is a copyright fraudster and a liar. He tried to screw Axanar donors and Alec and now it is coming home to roost with him.


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