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Fundraiser for Mark Payton’s Funeral Expenses

By March 8, 2023Captain's Log

The Axanar fans once again came through for their fellow fans as we raised over $3,500 for the funeral expenses of Axanar artist Mark Payton.  Mark passed away Friday after a long battle with cancer.  100% of all money raised goes directly to Mark’s sister and widow to pay for the funeral expenses of Mark and to help out his widow.

You can donate here:

Mark was a huge fan of Axanar and a big asset to the production.  His art is all over the Axanar wesbsite. as he had so many styles, and was constantly working.  He did a lot of sketching and came to our 2019 shoot and sketched all the behind the scenes action.  He made cartoon images of the Prelude actors and even a mock comic book cover.

We will miss him!


Mark’s take on a comic book cover for Axanar.

Mark at Axacon 2018

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