Here at Axanar and Ares Studios, we use Mad Mimi, a powerful email list management service to manage our emails to all of our donors, patrons and fans. And you can choose what emails you want to receive.
How to manage your email subscriptions
Just go to the bottom of any email you get from Axanar or Ares Studios and click on “preferences” button.

Click on the “Preferences” button
An email will be sent to you that looks like this:

Click on the “click here” link
Click on the “click here” link and you will be taken to a page that presents your information.
From here just make sure your name is entered and choose which lists you want to be a member of. The default is all.
Ares Studios Newsletter – Info on the studio, Ares Studios Store, special offers on merchandise and more.
Axanar Animnal Rescue – Follow our efforts helping with dog and cat rescue in Georgia.
Axanar Newsletter – All updates on Axanar and the coming two episodes.
Propworx Newsletter – Info on the upcoming Star Trek and movie prop auctions.
Just hit “Update” and you are good to go!
And thank you as always for your support!
This system did not allow me to do anything.
Please email me at
Sorry, none of the links or button options work.
This is a blog article. There are no links in it. It is a how to article. You need to follow the instructions.
When are the movies coming out
When we are finished! Please follow the articles we write here to stay up to date.
I agree with the others who have left comments. The links in the article are not active as stated in the email; however, when going to the website, none of the options are selectable or enabled either.
There are no links in the article. The article is a “How To”. Follow the instructions rather than clicking on anything. The “links” you see are part of a photo of MY email. That naturally is neither a real link, nor appropriate for you, since that is the email sent to me.
Your directions work perfectly, Alec!
Please keep me subscribed.
Tried it a few times, and still waiting for the email for me to make my selections.
Alastair, email me if you are still having problems. Alec at axanar dot com
Worked for me – Thanks Alec!