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Axanar Fan Fiction Contest!

By July 20, 2022Captain's Log

We have been talking for a while about an Axanar Short Story Contest. And so as a first step towards that, we are going to do a collaborative story contest first. The rules are simple:

The story is of the USS Crazy Horse. We want your pitches for a short story idea and we want you to tell us about the crew. So using MS Word, send us…

1) A one page story pitch.

2) Bios of the main crew, their names, backgrounds, and skills. This can be as many pages as you like, but we should get a minimum of a good paragraph for each crew member. This is an all human ship, so everyone is from Earth. We want to know about:

1. The Captain
2. First Officer
3. Pilot
4. Comms Officer
5. Tactical Officer
6. CAG (Commander Air Group) The Crazy Horse is a shuttle carrier after all.
7. Chief Engineer
8. Chief Medical Officer

And anyone else who you think we should know about.

We will choose a story winner and then combine the crew members based on whoever we think is most compelling, so writing more about each crew member helps us!

Once we have a story and crew, we will then send you all off to write the first chapter!

Everyone who submits will get a USS Crazy Horse patch for free. Deadline is August 10th, so you have 3 weeks!

Send your submissions to

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