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Production Update – Studio Tech Scout

By September 20, 2021Axanar News

This past Thursday I ran over to Gwinett High School, where Dana Wagner’s wife teaches the video production courses to check out their amazing studio.  It is a great size, and has lots of equipment.  And for the November reshoots, where we have 3 actors on greenscreen, it is perfect .


Here is what the interwebs say:

A tech scout, or a technical scout, involves visiting a location with an intention to figure out the final details of filming at the space. These requirements can be technical or legal in nature.

And you can read a great article on what a Tech Scout is here.

Right now Ares Studios is too full of the bridge set, which needs to be reassembled.  Plus, this location has much more room. Plus, a huge free green screen so we don’t have to rent one!

We have a second, smaller room that is great for make-up, TWO dressing rooms, and a whole host of other classroom space we get to use!  This is an ideal set-up and we will shoot here in November and then again in February, both one day shoots.

These are basically reshooting all the footage that Paul Jenkins and his team either lost or produced sub-standard work on.  Prelude to Axanar is known for its exceptional visuals.  We need to make sure we keep that standard going.

The next two episodes of Axanar are slated for a summer, 2022 release!

Lights and a slider!

A teleprompter!


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