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Production Update – November Shoot Scheduling Begins!

By September 9, 2021September 14th, 2021Axanar News, Axanar Production Notes

Not to be slowed down by having to deal with a deranged stalker, Team Axanar has begun scheduling the November Film Shoot.  This includes JG Hertzler as Sam Travis and two other characters, one of whom we are recasting. (Due to the stalking incident, we are keeping other actors names confidential).

The weekend is not set, but we will try and do a special donor event around the shoot, and we will be contacting donors who paid to be on set as production assistants or producers.  Due to Covid compliance requirements, the crew will be tightly controlled.

Reshoots –   Much of what was shot in 2019 was simply not up to Axanar standards.  Between Paul Jenkins and his producer Scott Conley losing footage, to footage where the Paul didn’t pay attention to how the actors looked on camera (the costumes where all a mess, you think no one has ever heard of the Picard Maneuver), people expect a certain quality, and everyone who has seen the footage, including outsiders, feels most of the interview footage that Paul shot is unusable.

Schedule –   This is the first of 3 film shoots.  While we planned for two, James Lew, who plays Tanaka, is on a Disney project till January, and so we are probably dividing up the Atlanta shoot into two one day shoots, one in Nov. and one in Feb.  In between is the 2-3 day Los Angeles shoot in December or January.

That is the update for now.  Everyone is reviewing the script and footage from October 2019 to see what actors performances we can use and what footage needs to be reshot.  We are excited to start finishing Axanar!

Join the discussion 7 Comments

  • Paul Clinton says:

    Wishing you all the best in completing what must sometimes seem like the ‘Never-ending Story’. LOL. And Alec, my father told me repeatedly growing up that ‘you’re nobody until you’ve been criticized’. Well, you’ve given me a new way to paraphrase that line by saying “you’re nobody until you’ve been stalked”. Be well everyone.

  • Edward J. McDonald says:

    I hate to hear it called the final shoot. I and many other fans would love to see this become a series in it’s own right. The quality and acting were fantastic in the first episode and I hate to see it come to an end. There are so many episodes that could be produced to tell the adventures within this time line of Start Trek! Alec Peters, you have done a fantastic job and I hope that maybe somewhere in your mind that you may be thinking of producing more episodes of this great show. Anyway that’s just my thoughts! You and the Axanar team have done a fantastic job and I look forward to the next episode and hopefully future adventures with Capt. Garth and the U.S.S. Ares!

  • Jeff Morrison says:

    Good news

  • Ginew Benton says:

    Hello my name is Ginew Benton, Native American film maker. I’d like to assist in your reshoot schedule. Troy Bernier forwarded the information to contact you regarding this. Please feel free to contact me via email or by phone.

    I do have accommodations with relatives in Atlanta

    Thank you


  • It’s been a long, hard road but cannot wait for the final product!

  • Robert Bloom says:

    Can’t wait. Hope the shoot goes well.

  • Jeff says:


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