Interlude, the Star Trek fan film about Axanar is live on the Avalon Universe YouTube Channel.
Produced by Fan Film Factor blog author Jonathan Lane, and featuring Alec Peters reprising his role as Garth of Izar, Interlude is the second fan film based on Prelude to Axanar. The first Axanar fan film, Prelude to Axe’d We Are, the animated puppet parody, was released in 2016 and can be seen on the Axanar YouTube Channel.
“Interlude” takes place after the cliffhanger ending of “Prelude to Axanar” and tells a story that leads into the coming “Axanar: The Gathering Storm” that will be released later this year.
Interlude was shot at Ares Studios, and takes place in the Axanar Universe.
With over 5 million views on YouTube, Prelude to Axanar is the most famous Star Trek fan film, featuring Star Trek stars JG Herztler, Tony Todd and other Sci Fi luminaries, including a legendary performance by the late Richard Hatch as the Klingon Kharn.
Watch it Now: