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Join Starfleet!

By May 21, 2020May 30th, 2020Captain's Log


Starfleet is the largest and longest-running Star Trek fan club! And now, Team Axanar has launched a chapter of Starfleet and you can be part of it!

In Starfleet, club chapters are named after ships, and of course, our ship is the USS Ares, NCC 1650!

Want to join? First, join the USS Ares, NCC 1650 Facebook page.

That page is run by second officer and recruiting coordinator Paul Osborne (Sturm VomAlk on Facebook).

Then, go to the Starfleet International web page and click on the JOIN/RENEW button in the upper right. Follow the instructions and make sure you choose USS CONSTELLATION R1 as your ship, as this is our mothership at this point. We will be a full fledged chapter in about 5 months, but for now, we are under their purview.

And it is only $5 per year! How cool is that? So join Starfleet and be a part of the finest crew in the fleet!

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