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First Axanar Interview Footage!

By February 27, 2020April 7th, 2021Axanar News, Axanar Production Notes

Watch a teaser for Axanar is the form of the first interview footage we have released!

We just posted a bit of what you won’t see in the final version of Axanar!

Just log in to Ares Digital, and go to the donation page (You didn’t think we wouldn’t take the opportunity to ask for help did you?).

If you are not already a donor, you will have to create an account, but it is worth the effort!



Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • David Roach says:

    I’m so glad that Axanar relocated to GA. I see much more things being put out now

  • James Galbreath says:

    Has you Ares Digital site been hacked? I tried going there and got an ugly message instead of access. As someone who has supported Axanar through Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and even sent a donation to Jonathan Lane’s Interlude effort, I figured this was NOT an authorized response. Just thought you should know.

    • Alec Peters says:

      You are going to a spoof site which we have been warning people about for years. Please ONLY use the legitimate link that is on our home page.


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