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Production Update – Nov. 2019

Sunday night director Paul Jenkins, Producer Scott Conley and myself met for 2 hours and planned out the next 8 months of Axanar!  here is what the timeline for production looks like:

Shoot # 2   (Two Days)  Dec 7-8, 2019

This shoot includes 2 Garth scenes, one a short clip of Garth on the bridge, and one in his quarters looking at Casualty reports. Sunday the 8th will include BTS interviews and Axacon 2019, four panel interviews with cast and crew of Axanar.

Trailer # 2 Release!  January 15th, 2020

We will have a big YouTube event around the release for our second trailer.

Shoot # 3   (One Day)  February, 2020

Garth and Tanaka Interviews for the next two episodes.

Shoot # 4   April, 2020

Two days of shooting in Los Angeles with SFX make-up for two Andorians, two Vulcans and a Klingon!

Axanar Red Carpet Premier  –  San Diego Comic Con 2020

Axanar will premier at San Diego Comic Con in July 2020!


All along the way we will be showing you what we do, creating trailers and BTS for you, and keeping you excited about seeing the Axanar trilogy come to its awesome conclusion!

Thank you all!

Alec Peters


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