Here is a run-down of all the patches available from Axanar Fundraisers for the past 5 years!
$25 donors got the First Fleet Patch.
Everyone who donated at least $10 got the Ares Class Development Patch:
And the Fifth Fleet Patch:
$35 donors got the First Fleet Patch.
Everyone who donated at least $10 got the Second Fleet Patch:
And Third Fleet patch:
If you donated at least $10 in our first Kickstarter and you donated at least $10 in this Kickstarter in the first 5 days, you got the Axanar Veteran patch:
$35 donors get the Fourth Fleet Patch.
$ 50 donors also get the Sam and Sonya ship patches:
Everyone who donated at least $35 gets the Veteran patch as a thank you for your continued patience!
Starfleet First Strike Squadron (Available via donation)
Starfleet Procurement (Available via donation)
Starfleet Disaster Response Patch (Fundraiser for a family that lost their house in a fire)
Axanar Atlanta Shoot # 1 Patch
Thank you all for your support!
Alec Peters
Axanar Productions
I donated $75 each to the Axanar Kickstarter and Indiegogo fundraisers. I used the same email address for both. My Ares Digital address is correct. I’ve received the the first three fleet patches from the Kickstarter campaign, but Ares Digital dashboard shows them as pending. There is no mention of the four patches for my Indiegogo donation.
Please email me at alec at axanarproductions dot com
I would happily donate extra if I could get 2 of the Starfleet Disaster Response patches. I did donate to help out a Trekkie that was sick that I should have gotten one from, but apparently he passed away and no one sent out the patches that Alec donated to the cause.
Please email me directly at alec at axanarproductions dot com.
Who passed away?
I think I am missing patches from my donor, who should I contact?
Dan, are you getting our email newsletter?