Last weekend, over 80 Axanar crew got together and held the first Axanar shoot in 4 years! This was the first of 5 different shoots, both in Atlanta and Los Angeles, that will produce 30 minutes of footage, a 2 hour audio drama and over 60 minutes of Behind the Scenes footage for the Blu-ray.
“Axanar” as we generally call it, will be two 15 minute episodes, Parts IV and V of The Four Years War documentary of which Prelude to Axanar is Part III. The three days of shooting netted 8 different character interviews on green screen and a day and a half of bridge footage on the USS Ares bridge (captained by Fleet Captain Garth) and the USS Hercules (captained by Sam Travis). And one thing that I heard over and over from the production crew, including Prelude to Axanar DIT/Colorist and Axanar producer Bing Bailey, and Editor/Sound designer Mark Edward Lewis, both of whom have been on the project since Prelude to Axanar, is that it looks better than Prelude!
Where the Prelude to Axanar shoot in 2014 got 6 character interviews over 2 days, our shoot got 8 characters over a day and a half. Great producers and a ridiculously well organized shoot helped make that happen.

Claude and Angela’s amazing Cage era costumes on Garth and Commodore Singh

Commander Alexi Leonov, USS Ares Chief Engineer

Lt. Jordan Kessel, USS Ares
Friday started off with shooting the bridge of the USS Ares. What was cool is we finally got to see some crew members we had only heard about. Tanaka, Caine, Hyree, and pilot Deville. Now those crew members were brought to life. Shooting was fun and the footage AMAZING.

Tanaka, Deville, Garth and Caine on the bridge of the Ares as seen through the monitors the DP uses.

Vince portrayed Lt. Hyree, an Efrosian in charge of Fleet Ops.
The second day, Saturday, we had another bridge crew come in and shoot., This time JG Hertzler’s Sam Travis and the crew of the USS Hercules took over.

The crew of the USS Hercules

The bridge lit for shooting!

The crew of the Axanar shoot.

What did we spend so much money on? A 5 ton truck to start! This truck has everything you need for professional shoot.

DP Jim watches the monitor.

Alec shooting BTS (Behind the Scenes) footage.

JG and Paul had a blast!
Thank you all for your faith and support!
Alec Peters
Looks awesome can’t wait to see it!
I’d like to congratulate Alec and the stalwart crews of the Ares, the Hercules, the production crew, and all involved in this magnificent endeavor. Rather than wasting any time here disproving the naysayers – which has already been done – let me just thank you so very much for everything that you are doing! Bravi tutti! The Great Bird of the Galaxy is watching, from somewhere, and loving this!
finely the true star trek we’ve been waiting for is coming 😀
Thank you Kelvin!
Very good. Thanx. Looking forward to the finished product.
Thank you Matthew!
The production looks so amazing!
Thank you! It really does look better than Prelude!
5 years of advancement in CGI will only benefit Axanar. We can’t wait!