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CBS Can’t Sue Axanar

By October 8, 2019October 9th, 2019Captain's Log

Axanar haters and ignorant bloggers are trying to say that CBS is suing Axanar again.


Not only is CBS not suing Axanar, they CAN’T sue Axanar.  That is right.  CBS can’t sue Axanar.  Why not?  Because the 2017 settlement agreement between CBS and Paramount on one side, and Alec Peters and Axanar on the other side, specifically gives either side a process for resolving any alleged breach of the settlement agreement and disallows a subsequent lawsuit.

The process is…

1) A Party who feels the other party has breached the settlement agreement must serve written notice to the opposing party.

2)  The allegedly breaching party has 10 days to cure that breach or object.

3)  If the allegedly breaching party objects, the party who feels the agreement has been breached has only ONE option, to go to arbitration.

4)  At arbitration a party would have to prove a breach and then prove DAMAGES.

Over the past 3 1/2 years, CBS has sent 6 unique letters to Axanar claiming we breached the settlement agreement.  Sometimes, we see their point and we change something. But often there has been some thing they have claimed is a breach and we disagree and we reject their claim.    CBS has never gone to arbitration.

CBS doesn’t want another war with its fans.  It spent 13 months, during the 50th anniversary of Star Trek, suing its biggest fans.   CBS specifically settled the Axanar lawsuit before the launch of Discovery, and the more attention it draws to Axanar, the Star Trek a huge number of its fans love over their own product, the worse for CBS.

We aren’t CBS’s enemy.  We love Star Trek, and while we had issues with Discovery, we didn’t bash it, we gave it a chance, we loved Captain Pike, and we are genuinely excited for Picard!

We will continue to work within the spirit and letter of the settlement agreement and support CBS Star Trek.  It would be nice if they would support their fans the same way.

Alec Peters

Join the discussion 13 Comments

  • John Watts says:

    Until the COMPLETELY reverse and eliminate their stance on this, and remove ALL the restrictions placed on Axanar and apologize to the cast, crew, and fans of this production, (unlikely, I know) I will boycott all new productions by CBS. I have never watched Discovery, nor do I intend to. I encourage all others to do the same. Death to CBS.

  • Edward J Cox says:

    Good to see this explanation and well said.

  • Jim Vann says:

    CBS blew an opportunity here. Why not partner with Axanar? The quality, based on Prelude to Axanar is of high enough quality to taken seriously by CBS. Why not allow you to complete the film as first envisioned then include it in future DVD releases of ST movies (or some other such arrangement) Everybody wins, the fans, CBS and Axanar. Very short sighted on CBS’s part.

  • Brian Lambert says:

    The haters 15 minutes is fading away quickly. They have to do something, say anything to feel relevant.

  • Jozeph miles says:

    i was trying to launch my own star trek fanfic series on youtube i was told by CDS tostop or i will be sued.

    you guys inspired me

    i am pissed

    so i am making something original

    • Gary Hill says:

      Well said John Watts. I love Star Trek. I love Axanar, it is good Star Trek. The kind I want. Discovery blows, and so does CBS.

      I care nothing for their new productions, and no matter how many alumni cast members they involve, I do not want Trek set in the “STD-verse”.

      Perhaps if they make amends to Axanar and the fans, scrap the crap and start over with some legitimate Trek…..
      Did I mention CBS blows?

  • James Galbreath says:

    This is a very lucid and clear explanation. Thanks very much for sharing this arrangement with us Axanar fans.

  • Gary Hill says:

    Well said John Watts. I love Star Trek. I love Axanar, it is good Star Trek. The kind I want. Discovery blows, and so does CBS.

    I care nothing for their new productions, and no matter how many alumni cast members they involve, I do not want Trek set in the “STD-verse”.

    Perhaps if they make amends to Axanar and the fans, scrap the crap and start over with some legitimate Trek…..
    Did I mention CBS blows?

  • Dennis says:

    Hi Alec,

    Ive been following Axanar since a few months before Prelude. I couldn’t get over (and still can’t) how well done Prelude was, and can’t wait to see Axanar.

    My take on this whole CBS lawsuit issue is that it is a complete fail on CBS in marketing. The way I see it is, they should’ve known that CGI and effects technology was evolving to the point where more filmmakers could produce studio quality films. Couple that with the fact that Star Trek has some of the most die hard fans ever (as in people willing to spend their own hard money to produce something), CBS had to have seen it coming where Star Trek fans could actually make serious quality fan films.

    This could’ve been a golden opportunity for CBS to use that to their advantage and seriously expand the Star Trek brand. The dynamic I could’ve seen would have been where CBS set the direction for the franchise going forward and expanding the Star Trek universe, and the fans (CBS working closely with the serious players, like Axanar Studios ;)) could fill in the holes (like the Klingon War, Earth-Romulan War, the final years of Kirk’s 5-year mission, etc.).

    I really don’t see how this could’ve been anything other than a win-win. I get that there has to be some regulation because it is their IP, but my goodness, did CBS really run-a-muck here. They had a golden opportunity to (in my opinion) revolutionize the way fans identify with their brand, and couldn’t get out of their own way to see it.

    Keep on keepin’ on.


  • Edward Morgan says:

    CBS is going after anyone making “Star Trek” fan films because they can’t compete with the talented people making films like “Axanar”. Their writing is awful, and it doesn’t even look like “Star Trek”. I tried watching ST:D, and the acronym describes the property better than anything else. “Discovery” is just sad, boring cringe. “Prelude to Axanar” on the other hand was just great fun to watch. It felt like “Star Trek”. It looked like “Star Trek”. Everyone involved had a love for “Star Trek”. That 21-minute-long video was more “Star Trek” than the entire run of ST:D. You won’t catch me watching CBS and their sad attempt at the IP we all love so much. Not again. I watched the first half of Season One, and I wanted to punch my TV. I might check out “Picard”, and I’m hoping they aren’t going to ruin my youth further by destroying TNG characters, but I’m not that hopeful. Good luck getting “Axanar” out soon!

  • Vincent Rhodes says:

    What’s wrong with you making original content instead of using others IP is my biggest question.

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