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Ares Studios Patreon Update!

By July 30, 2019Captain's Log

Ares Studios has a lot of good news lately.

First of all, our rent went DOWN!  Because our neighbor uses a lot of our parking, our landlord decided to start charging them for our parking and passed that on to us!  So our rent went down to about $3,200 a month from $3,700 a month.  That makes it easier to stay in our current location and not move to the new, smaller location when it is built.

Second, we are at an all-time high with donations, which are about $2,250 a month.  YouTube income is about $400 a month now, and so I only have to come up with about $ 900 a month myself.

The bridge is close to being ready for October’s Axanar shoot and Patreon donors are helping finish it.

So thank you to our Patreon donors and please help with the studio by making a small donation each month.  Patreon makes it really easy and you get  exclusive access to news and info and Patreon-only livestreams and chats.

And thank you for your support!


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  • Dennis Chevalier says:

    From what I’ve seen on Youtube, Yout set designs are perfect! Your use of Pie computers for your designs on your monitors shows your creative flexibilities’.
    No wonder that the attorneys (of Paramount/owners of the ST franchise) were running… scared of you.
    Remember, when you are going through hell, make sure you keep going!

    Live long and prosper!


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