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Captain’s Log – January 2nd, 2019

By January 4, 2019Captain's Log

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019

Well, when I got home there was a package from my good friend and Axanar Podcast co-host Keith M Sedor.  Now Keith shares my love for all things Drakes Cakes, the greatest snack cakes in the world! Hostess?  A cheap imitation.  Little Debbies?  Meh.  There is nothing like a Devil Dog, or a Funny Bone, or the world’s best Coffee Cakes, which were made world famous on Seinfeld.

Devil Dogs are amazing, and this year they came out with a Mint Creme limited edition, and I couldn’t find any in Atlanta (Oh I looked!).  So Keith, knowing my love for all things Devil Dogs, hooked me up with a special Christmas present.

What, you think we do nothing but talk about Star Trek?  We got to eat!


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