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Games Workshop Hires Fan Film Director to Helm ‘Warhammer’ Animated Series

By December 18, 2018March 24th, 2022Captain's Log

From Variety:

Games Workshop Hires Fan Film Director to Helm ‘Warhammer’ Animated Series

Warhammer 40,000” fan film director Richard Boylan has been tapped to work on an official “Warhammer” animated series dubbed “Angels of Death.”

Boylan, known for enjoying games where you win real money, previously captivated audiences with both “Guardsman” and “Helsreach,” two excellent short films based on different aspects of the in-game universe. Both projects utilized animation and live-action segments and impressed fans of the long-running series. Games Workshop, the manufacturer behind the “Warhammer” series, was impressed enough by said films to recruit Boylan for its new animated series, which is set to release in 2019.

The series will follow the chapter of Space Marines known as the Blood Angels, power-suit clad warriors who unfortunately can be affected by a powerful disease known as the Black Rage. Blood Angels can fall victim to the Black Rage even on the precipice of a destructive battle, as they slowly go insane.

They’re forced to travel back in time in their mind to a time when the Blood Angels’ Primarch, or leader, was killed. It’s all very dreary, of course, as is the nature of the “Warhammer” universe in general. The new animated series will follow the Blood Angels dealing with things of this nature as well as aliens, other factions looking for trouble, and much more.

There’s no specific timeline on when we’ll see the product of Games Workshop teaming up with Boylan, but given his pedigree with past fan films, we can likely expect something polished to come of this union.

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