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Captain’s Log – December 9th, 2018

By December 11, 2018Captain's Log

Sunday, December 9th, 2018

The first Star Trek fan film outside of Axanar has decided to shoot on the USS Ares bridge set.  Vance Major Owen, the most prolific Star Trek fan film producer of the past few years, has committed to film on the USS Ares bridge set next June.  We are excited to host Vance as he really is the Roger Corman of Star Trek fan films!  he has made over 40 Star Trek fan films!  You can read a great two part interview with him on Fan Film Factor.

And view all of Vance’s fan films here.

We are really excited about Vance using the studio, as Vance is a great guy and we believe in supporting all fan films.

And the studio will be used for a second fan film next year.  More on that soon.



Ares Studios is a separate legal entity from Axanar Productions whose sole purpose is the promotion of Star Trek fan films and the education of high school film students in Atlanta.  Ares Studios is currently in the process of applying for a 501c3 charitable organization designation.

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