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Captain’s Log – October 30th, 2018

By October 31, 2018Captain's Log

Tuesday, October 30th, 2018

A busy day getting ready for Axacon. But the highlight of the day was talking to Linda Alexander, the author of the new biography of Steve Ihnat, Garth of Izar himself from Whom Gods Destroy, the third season TOS episode that was the basis for Prelude to Axanar.

After I got my copy of the Steve Ihnat biography on Monday, I found the author on Facebook and contacted her.  Linda Alexander lives only 2 hours from Atlanta and so she will join us as a special guest at Axacon and do a panel on Steve Ihnat!

Also, today I got two big boxes of cookies from Richard Ford, one of our most amazing fans and volunteers.  Richard sent us Axanar cookies before, and in honor of Axacon, he sent us 150 Axanar cookies!   Every attendee will get them.

Finally I went shopping for all the hardware that James Simpson, our bridge hardware guru, asked for to run the upper monitors.  More on this after installation Thursday!

So much to do, so much fun, and surprises every day!


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