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Captain’s Log – October 28th, 2018

By October 30, 2018Captain's Log

Josh and Dakota, two gaffers who started to light the bridge. They are truly awesome.

Sunday, October 28th, 2018

What a day!  Starting at 9:00am volunteers started showing up. We got a lot done.  Here are some photos…

The bridge turbo-lift door is done! (Well just need paint!)

Dana Wagner and Scott Lyttle discuss the bridge build.

Alexander Richardson’s MSD (Master Systems Display)

The old test panel at the communications station.

The new panels are test fitted.

Measuring for the floor matting

The crew checking out the new panels.

Alex and Josh lift a light panel to test the new screens.

Josh and Hassan inventorying everything!

And the result!

A big THANK YOU to all the volunteers who showed up today!


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