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Captain’s Log – October 24th, 2018

By October 29, 2018Captain's Log

Wednesday, October 24th, 2018

While we head towards Axacon, and focus all of our energy there, I am cleaning up my new home and setting up the collecting/sitting room, where I have been storing so many of my costumes as they come in from various sources.  So as I packed away some of these costumes, I started messing with my JJ Klingon costumes, as I recently got in a replica Worf Baldric.

Now while we used the General Chang costume I own for Richard Hatch as Kharn, the new Klingon character Mor’o, who is Kharn’s mentor, will wear a different costume.

Now costuming is one of my passions, and what we had planned for Axanar the feature film was truly awesome.  The concept sketch above is a glimpse of that (and I am writing an article on Klingon costuming for the blog, so stay tuned).

But looking at the JJ costume, I really liked it.  And I though, “What can we do with this costume?” so I took the tunic, a huge, foam jacket, echoing some Russian WWII great coat.

So this is the basic garment (I am not showing the entire costume for a reason).

And throw a Klingon Worf Baldric on and you get this:

Or reverse the Baldric and you get this:

The first sets the Baldric against the grain of the garment, and the second goes with the grain.  I know which I like, but what do you think?

Overall, I love mixing and matching and creating unique ideas for the Klingons.  After Axacon I will write a blog on the subject.


Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • Ronald D. Hearn says:

    Left shoulder to right hip allows flow, like to be able to draw from inside or reach in the other way restricts it, just move the Klingon symbol to the baldrick from the garment and tuck the baldrick under the collar looks great 😉

  • Claude Francis says:

    Hi Alec

    The problem is the insignia if change the grain ornament you cover the insignia.

  • Scott Voigt says:

    Against the grain.

  • Steve Bruns says:

    The top one’s ok, but I prefer the second. It could easily have evolved from clothing styles from the Klingon’s distant past, when they wore (perhaps) a leather sheet toga-fashion. Covering up the insignia is no biggie–it could move to the baldric (which then becomes the descendant of the tie or belt that held said toga together.) (Hey, the insignia could be like a fibula–the pin–that romans and vikings used to secure these things.)

  • Edward J Cox says:

    Klingons would never cover their Emblem with a sash. Also the badge should be lower to the right so as not to be covered by the fold..

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