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Captain’s Log – October 23rd, 2018

By October 24, 2018Captain's Log

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018

Well, we are going all out to make Axacon happen.  And people have asked me why?  Why would be do a convention when we haven’t even shot the next two episodes yet?  And why would we do an event where we will lose money?

Well, Axacon isn’t about making money.  It serves a few purposes:

1.  It serves as the launching point for serious pre-production for the next two episodes.  I really wanted to get our director,editor, DP and team together in one spot for a meeting so we can all get on the same page and get fired up for shooting.

2.  It serves as a celebration of the Star Trek that we all love and the fans who have supported us.

3.  It serves to create content for our website, our Blu-rays and to promote what is coming.

Those are the three big objectives of Axacon.  And worse case scenario, if JG and Gary don’t sell a single autograph, and we don’t sell a single ticket (which is clearly not the case as we have sold a couple dozen so far), Axacon stands to cost me about $ 5,000.  And that is the worst case.  SO that is all pretty good for what we get out of it.

Axacon is about CREATING something and CELEBRATING Axanar.  I don’t expect the Axanar haters to understand either of those concepts.  But Axanar fans do.  Axanar is about banding together and creating Star Trek that we love and then celebrating what we all create.


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  • Rebecca Skipper says:

    Can you write a blog post showing the relationship between Discovery and Axanar in terms of cannon? In the past, you have referenced the four years war. Well, Discovery condensed this down to a year. Though I like some of the characters, ending the war as abruptly as they did isn’t realistic. Does that complicate the Axanar production and story?

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