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Captain’s Log – October 11th, 2018

By October 18, 2018Captain's Log

Thursday, October 11th, 2018

Well, in this second part about art and San Diego Comic Con, I will tell you about two stunning pieces of graphic art I saw at SDCC 2018 and one I bought!

First and foremost is the above piece of Freddie Mercury in his classic yellow jacket by Russel Walks.  Now I bought a Star Trek print from Russell and it was pretty cool.  But the above piece just blew me away.  Now I am not a huge Freddie Mercury fan.  Fascinating story, brilliant musician, I like him as much as the next music fan.  But I find great art draws you in and the subject becomes less important than the execution.  And this piece is stunning. See his work on his website.  There is a LOT of great art for fans of just about everything.

The second piece is one of the many amazing pieces John Berkey did for the 1977 King Kong movie.  This one for the European poster.  Now, I will tell you that the John Barry score to this movie is simply one of the best movie soundtracks of all time.  And of course the movie was not only one of Jeff Bridges first starring roles, but the film debut of Jessica Lang.  The art for the movie poster though was amazing as classic sci fi artist John Berkey did several pieces for different versions of the movie poster.  Berkey did a lot of movie poster work in the 60’s – 80’s and you can see it all here.  His King Kong posters remain among his best work.  And seeing this original art, which was on sale for $ 44,000, was amazing.

OK, there was this cool Black Widow piece I loved….

But they didn’t have a print of it, so we instead bought the print of “Too Strong for Blasters”, which is amazing…

And we got to hang with artist Jeremy Saliba. Buy his print of it here.

And that ends my San Diego Comic Con art round-up!  I hope you all enjoyed a little break from Axanar!


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