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Perk Update – October 2018

By October 14, 2018October 25th, 2018Donors, Fundraising & Fulfillment

So the latest updates on Kickstarter and Indiegogo caused a bunch of emails about perks, so I thought I would write a blog  to give everyone more information.


First, there were two crowdfunding campaigns, the Kickstarter in July 2014 and then the Indiegogo in July 2015.  It is important to know WHICH campaign you gave to! Because that will let you know what you will be getting and if you should have gotten anything yet!

Patches for the 2014 Kickstarter campaign were shipped in 2016.

Patches for the 2015 Indiegogo campaign have not been shipped yet, but will ship in the next few months.

With the exception of patches, no other perks have been shipped.  And most perks will not be ready till after we finish Axanar since most perks include some version of the finished film! Most donors got a digital download or a Blu-ray and you can’t get that perk until we have a finished movie!  And it will be next year until we release the finished episodes.  But we will try to have all Blu-rays and perks shipped before we release Axanar.

Why the delay?

While we were set to start filming in January 2015, and release the first part of the movie in May of 2016 (we figured we could finish about 35-40%), we of course got sued on December 30th, 2015 and for the next 13 months we had to stop all production.  And even though we received over $1 Million in free legal services from Winston & Strawn, the lawsuit wound up costing us the studio, which which we could no longer afford after the 13 month delay. That meant a $500,000 loss of donor funds which we had invested in the studio in rent and build out. Blame CBS who were doing everything they could to destroy Axanar.


Over the next couple of month’s Jerry Ablan, who was my CTO at my first technology company, Auctionworks, will be getting Ares Digital, our digital perk delivery and donor tracking system, back up and running.  We recently moved all of our tech to GoDaddy as Bill Watters, our former CTO was paying for it out of his own pocket!  So now I will be paying for it.

Lee Quessenberry has also taken over managing the website now, and he and I are reviewing the entire site to update any content we need to.

Thank you all for your patience and support!



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