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Captain’s Log – August 13th, 2018

By August 13, 2018Captain's Log

Sunday, August 13th, 2018

The past month has seen a lot of work on Axacon.  And this week we not only put tickets on sale, but announce our big name Star Trek guests.

Now, we already have David Gerrold, the legendary author of The Trouble With Tribbles coming.  And then there is Steve Jepson, who is Admiral Slater in Prelude to Axanar.  There is Paul Jenkins, our new director and writer of the classic “Wolverine: Origins” story!  And some hack who we got to play Garth. 🙂

But we have one or two others we think you will love.

And, because we will be announcing a new Axanar guest in the next day or two, we have some more special events we are planning that we can’t tell about quite yet.

We also hope to have the preliminary schedule of panels and events up this week. Remember, Axacon is Nov. 2-4th at the Crowne Plaza Atlanta Airport, and you can reserve rooms at the Sphinix-Con rate here.

So stay tuned as a lot is happening! Stay Tuned here and on the Axacon website.

Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • michael carson says:

    I really hope you guys complete this…the fans will always want to see how the Klingon and Federation war happen 🙂

  • Chris Gibson says:

    This sounds exciting! I love Axanar. I am a school teacher and want to work this into our family schedule.

  • I am aware that you guys were locked in a legal fight with CBS (ridiculous by the way) but I was looking to donate to help keep the lights on if you will, if this project is still trying to happen.

    I attempted to go to the Retroactive Donor Page but it was no longer online?

    Is this purposeful as you guys are waiting to accepting funds again until the legal case is done or?

    Also heard a rumor floating around that you guys got the A Okay from CBS to do 2 – 30min episodes instead of the feature film. Is this still the case?

    Thanks guys. Prelude gave me chills the first time I saw it and I loved the way it was done.


    • Alec Peters says:

      Ares Digital will be up soon. Stay tuned.

      Also, see our Production Update we just posted for news on what’s happening!

      And THANK YOU!


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