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Captain’s Log – July 2nd, 2018

By July 8, 2018Captain's Log

Monday, July 2nd, 2018

While we are mourning the loss of Harlan Ellison, I thought I would share one of the prize pieces in my book collection, a hardcover, slip-cased, signed, limited edition of The City on the Edge of Forever.

Now we all know that The City on the Edge of Forever is one of the best TOS episodes of all, (one of my top three along with Doomsday Machine and Mirror, Mirror).  And as a book collector, I was really fortunate back in 1996 to find a copy of this book at a used bookstore in Orange County, California, where I was living.  I have one of the original slip cased versions of the novelization of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, which was signed by Gene Roddenberry, so this one complemented it nicely.

Books are one of  my two favorite collections (props being the other), and having such an awesome copy of one of the most important books about Star Trek is pretty awesome.

You can find the above version on eBay for $ 330 here.

There is also a paperback version of the book, and I encourage you all to get a copy of that.

You can find the paperback version of the book on Amazon here. And the more recently released version here.

I read the graphic novel that was released.  I wasn’t crazy about the painted style and it is really not the same as reading the original teleplay that Haralan wrote.


Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Rod says:

    I was fortunate to find the paperback copy a few years ago. A remarkable read and really gives you a different sense of the story.

  • Jason Moon says:

    The older scripts had elements that I would have LOVED in the final episode.

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