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Captain’s Log – June 25th, 2018

By June 27, 2018June 10th, 2021Captain's Log

Monday, June 25th

Well, I am down in Orlando, having spent time with family this past weekend. I am coaching my volleyball team at the AAU Nationals in Orlando, so 4 days of serious volleyball happening.  But I wanted to take time to fill in a little more on the Axacon happenings.

In addition to myself, Steve Jepson (Admiral Slater), JG Hertzler and Gary Graham!  These are art directors Lee Quessenberry and Alexander Richardson.

Lee Quessenberry is a serious Axanar fan!

Lee has been involved in designing the patches for Axanar as well as designing the Axacon logo!  He has helped with the bridge monitors and all manner of graphic art as well as being our website guru working with CTO Bill Watters.

Lee designed the Hercules patch!

Lee will join Alexander Richardson, who is primarily responsible for bridge consoles and graphics.  Alexander is another graphical genius and we are lucky to have him coming over from the UK!

Alexander does crazy good stuff like this!

So stay tuned for more info on Axacon and the haters attempts to sabotage our event!


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