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Captain’s Log – June 16th, 2018

By June 17, 2018Captain's Log

Saturday, June 16th, 2018

The first weekend in June saw us visit Wonderfest!  Now, Wonderfest is the science fiction modelling convention which happens every year in Lousiville, Kentucky.  It is all about modelling and there are some amazing models to check out.  This year,I had a bunch of friends going, and so it was a blast.

Having breakfast with Lee Malone, Steve Radler and Josh Melville

My good friend Paul Hovrath, who is a hard core Stargate prop collector as well as science fiction modeller

Star Trek concept artist John Eaves is usually a regular at this show, but couldnt make it this year, so BSG concept artist Eric Chu, honored John with pins:

And a stand in for John!

But of course the best part of the show is the model showcase and competition!

Bill Krause is an amazing modeller, Star Trek fan, and all around geek.  I am always in awe of him.  he entered his newest shuttle:

There are always plenty of Space 1999 models…

And there were a bunch of Robots!

And plenty of Axanar fans!

I hope some of you come to Louisville next year!


Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Frank Miller says:

    Did you guys bump into Stewart Foley of Trekyards?? He was also there too.

    • Alec Peters says:

      Of course! But Stewart was really busy and so we couldnt spend much time together.

  • Brian Lambert says:

    So glad I got to meet you there this year Alec. Had to cut my trip short due to a family emergency but I hope you’ll be back next year.

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