Monday, March 5th, 2018
Well, after a good weekend, and being a little under the weather today, I am going to post a summary of an article that is really important if you are following Axanar, or any other page or group! So please read in order to stay on top of what is happening at Axanar!

Facebook is Changing
The social media giant is updating News Feed, the default feed of posts that users see when they log into Facebook. In the face of a public and political pressure over their actions of the last couple of years Facebook is now emphasizing posts from friends and family.
What is occurring is the removal of the vast majority of content coming from company and organization pages of any type from appearing in newsfeed.
So every page you have liked and told Facebook you want to see content from is being pushed to the side. Everything from Ford, to BBC, to Axanar, and everything else is going to be showing up less and less in your Facebook feed by default. On Facebook’s mobile app, expect to see almost no content that is not from individuals, or paid ads.
How much smaller are we talking about?
Companies are reporting seeing their Facebook posts only being seen by 3% of their followers as of January 2018 and Facebook is planning on pushing this down even further. That means a sample Facebook page with 100,000 followers are having 3,000 people see their content on average.
What Can I Do?
In a lot of ways this change is going to be no big deal for older internet users who still visit a variety of their favorite websites each day. If you love your favorite website’s content, you should make a point of actually visiting their websites regularly.
#1 Bookmark and Visit Your Favorite Websites
So right off the bat, we suggest bookmarking your favorite sites in your browser (hopefully this one amongst others) and visiting them directly.
#2 Set Your Favorite Facebook Pages to “SEE FIRST”
Next, you CAN make Facebook show you the posts from your favorite pages by selecting them to “SEE FIRST”. Here is a image and a link to where you can set your favorite pages to automatically appear in your newsfeed. Just visit your favorite Facebook page, pull down the “Following” tab, and click “SEE FIRST”. We respectfully ask that you Axanar fans set the Axanar Faceboook page to “SEE FIRST” in Facebook.
#3 Set Your Favorite Facebook Pages Notifications to “ON”
Finally, you CAN tell Facebook to notify you when your favorite pages put up special events. When you open up the following tab (see image above), go ahead and check the “NOTIFICATIONS On”.
We hope this is helpful and THANK YOU for your support!