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Captain’s Log – March 4th, 2018

By March 5, 2018Captain's Log

Monday, March 4th, 2018

On Saturday we attended the Atlanta Science Fiction and Fantasy Expo, a small, mall-based show in a very old mall in Decatur, one of the hot up and coming suburbs of Atanta.  Tony Cade, the promoter, owns Challenge Comics and Games in the mall, and every year has this small show for the community.  It is all free, and Tony invited Axanar and the Axanar Fan Group as he is a donor and huge Star Trek fan.

So Lee Benjamin, the head of the Atlanta Axanar Fan Group, set up his booth, which has has done at Atlanta events since Dragon Con 2014.  He, Lee Mavity and Steve Dixon are the three anchors of the Atlanta group who man the booth and talk up Axanar.  We also had a panel on Axanar attended by about a dozen people (it was a very small show!). And new DIrector of Fulfillment Natalie Armstrong and Crysstal Hubbard did a panel on Cosplay over 30 (much more interesting than hearing me talk about Axanar for an hour!).  Natalie was in full Klingon regalia and Crysstal was in her Bombshell Bat Woman costume.

We also did a panel on Sunday with our good friend John Adcox, who is the guy who introduced us to Paul Jenkins! That panel was a lot of fun because we talked alot about the future of content creation, which John is intimately involved with.  Again, there were only a dozen people in the audience, but we had a LOT of fun!

Then we got to spend time with our buddy Eric Watts, the creator of Treklanta, the Atlanta Star Trek convention.  Eric has been a fan and supporter of Axanar, and fan films in general, and created the Star Trek Fan Film Awards.  We at Axanar have been a big supporter of Eric’s and have had a booth at this show for 3 years running.  We will be there again this year.  Eric apologized profusely for not being able to make me an invited guest at Treklanta, as Vic Mignogna of Star Trek Continues, threatened to boycott Treklanta if he did so. I told Eric that no apology was necessary as I didn’t need to be an invited guest and we would be there to support Treklanta no matter what because Treklanta supports fan films like no other event. We urge all Star Trek fans in the region to attend Treklanta as we will have a studio tour during the weekend as well, and Gary Graham is a guest of Treklanta this year!

Talking with Treklanta promoter Eric Watts.

So stay tuned for more info on Treklanta and the Axanar events as part of Treklanta weekend!


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  • Michael Rose says:

    That’s kind of unprofessional of Vic Mignogna. (It’s not like he had to be with you or vice versa.) Seriously, personal differences shouldn’t be such an issue because these events are for those who actually go to those conventions to see multiple people. I still like his work and all. *shrugs* Oh well, drama, what can you do eh?

    Still, it’s good to know you still attended and got the word out. Something is better than nothing, after all.

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