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Captain’s Log – March 1st, 2018

By March 1, 2018Captain's Log

Thursday, March 1st, 2018

So this week there is a lot happening with Axanar fan art!  First, some house cleaning to show off some more images from my “To Post” file!

Brendon Goodyear has been making great Axanar and USS Ares images for a while.  He is also one of my Warhammer 40K buddies.  Above is another of his great pieces showing the USS Ares and the USS Ajax.

And then there is another of Brendon’s Ares in epsiodes we know images, which have mostly been TOS.  Here we see one from TNG as the USS Ares is seen in the TNG episode “Parallels”.

And then we have Brendon’s homage to the Cassini flyby of Jupiter:

There is also Euderion on Deviant Art, who has all sorts of cool art, and is an Axanar fan.  I love this piece:

I cannot thank these amazing artists enough for their love and education to Axanar.

And thank you to everyone for being so supportive of Axanar over the past few years!


Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • Brendon Goodyear says:

    I need to get back to doing more art for Axanar. Some more TNG or maybe DS9 mashups.

    • Alec Peters says:

      Yes! We love your stuff!

    • Mike Wikan says:

      If Paramount had half a brain they would have invested in the project. Could have rolled it into merchandise (Eaglemoss and Star Trek Attack Wing ships).

      I’ve been in creative product development for 28 years in the Videogame Industry. The way you build product value is embracing projects like this and let your core fans participate.

      Great stuff. Keep pushing forward.

  • Lance says:

    The ship designs are great… Especially when comparing to Discovery and the crap they keep peddling us in Star Trek Online.

    Great Job

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