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Axanar Crew Interview – Claude Doziere

By February 27, 2018February 26th, 2021Axanar News, Axanar Production Notes

As many of you know, especially if you read my Captain’s Log the past few days, we have a French fan, who lives in Italy named Claude Francis Dozière who has become a part of our team and is working with his tailor Angela Avino, to produce our Cage era costumes for the next two episodes of The Four Years War.  Here we talk to Claude and find out more about him!

1) Tell us about where you are from and where you live !

I am French from Strasbourg, a city in the east of France and I moved to Italy about 30 years ago for work.

2) When did you become a Star Trek fan?

I am an “old” Star Trek TOS fan, since I was about 10 years old, I was fascinated by the discovery of new worlds and new civilisations, Capt Kirk was for me the Cristoforo Colombo of the future !

3) What is your favorite Star Trek show?

Star Trek TOS remains my favorite show because it’s part of my childhood. But I was fascinated by Capt Pike in The Cage, for me he would make Star Trek TOS more introspective. Roddenberry was too far ahead, Number one, a woman is an example, was 1964 before Voyager or Discovery !

Star Trek Enterprise is the second one, because is the start of the exploration.

4) How did you become aware of Axanar?

I have spoke with German friends in 2014 about the Fedcon in Dusseldorf in Germany, they talked to me about Alec Peters and a project called Prelude to Axanar.

5) What made you want to volunteer for creating the costumes?

After viewing Prelude to Axanar in 2015, I decided to contact Axanar Productions to propose my experience of Star Trek tunics for the project Axanar.

6) Your costumes are exacting reproductions. How do you get them so accurate?

Bill Theiss had that ability to create fantastic costumes with fantastic effects and “avangarde” design with low budget and cheap fabric. My work is not a business but just a passion.

My goal is to realize tunic the closest to the original. I contact collectors of original tunics, consultants and forums.

James Cawley, Robert Withrow, Paul Savoy, John Chase, Robert Fletcher, Starfleet1701, Others – sorry, I don’t remember all !

I would like to thank all of them, without these people this research would not have been possible.

I would like to say, recreate fabrics that no longer exist it’s very difficult. The original fabric color has been deteriorated by time and washes, the tunics color in TV was different from what it was in real live, the lights effects, filters etc …..changed the original color.

A lot of problems !

Alec, Claude and Angela!

In this work I am not alone, my collaborator in Italy is Miss Angela Avino a special tailor. I search the all fabrics around the world braids, accessories, pattern, seams style, etc …and I cross all information with the original tunic. Some of the tunics are about 90% accurate and some are about 70% accurate.

Capt Kirk – dress tunic – Journey of Babel

Capt Kirk – green tunic – The Trouble with Tribbles

Lt. Com. Ann Mulhall – Return to Tomorrow

Capt Pike – The Cage

Spock – The Cage

Yeoman J. M. Colt – The Cage

These tunics are just a part of my research.

7) How did you find the fabric for your costumes?

This information is TOP SECRET I’m sorry. I can say that, it’s difficult find the same fabrics, color, material, thickness, etc …. You have to be patient and make compromises and then send it all to the collectors for the analize after months or years and if is no good you must start all over again it’s terrible. But sometime you find a fabric very closer in all points. Fantastic !!!!!

I created a method on the tunic to get an evaluation.

8) What do you do in real life?

I am an Export Manager for a school furniture company, leader in Italy and I work as a Marketing consultant for others companies.

I go around the world for my work, I love what I do. I practiced martial arts, karate, aikido, Wing Tsun and kali escrima for 35 years. Today I continue to train martial arts, but the age come up, however sports as bodybuilding, Nordic walking, trekking and a good diet help me to my live.

9) What other Science Fiction shows do you watch?

TV shows like Babylon 5, The Time Tunnel, Cosmos 1999 and Aux Frontières du Possible (French TV show). Some movies like The Forbiden Planet, Metropolis (Fritz Lang), Alien, Blade Runner, 2001 a Space Odissey (Kubrick) and 12 Monkeys are my classics. For me the first scifi movie of all fames is Voyage dans la Lune from Georges Meliès, this film has been made…114 years ago and inspired of Jules Verne book.

10) Anything else you want to say to Axanar fans?

Sincerely, focus on love, your dreams and the future !  We have dreams in the box and we must not stop dreaming because sometime we are wrong or we fall. The dream keeps us going !

Axanar is a dream for the fans and an act of love for Star Trek, now we have an new opportunity to transform this dream in reality !

We must just take this chance !

Thanks to Claude and Angela for their time and effort on behalf of Axanar!






Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Eduard Cox says:

    Nice interview and many thanks for your efforts on the behalf of Axanar. Axanar was a dream and became prelude and now with luck and a lot of hard work will be concluded. A dream on the edge of reality. Thank you!

  • Karl Adolfsen says:

    How amazing this is to have people who are prepared to do so much with no intention of any reward. This is what “The Dream of the Federation” is all about. Comercial productions have no hope of having this kind of support.

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