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Captain’s Log – January 2nd, 2018

By January 3, 2018Captain's Log

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018

One of the really nice things about knowing so many great fans, is at the holidays I get some awesome Christmas cards.  This year, Axanar fan artist Mark Payton, outdid himself.  He not only sent me a Christmas card, but included a “Captain Garth” card based on his amazing Axanar cartoon art. Then, to top that, he sent me a hand-drawn Star Trek bookmark.  It is amazing and while I read almost everything on my iPad now, I think this will find a spot among my book collection (which includes mint first editions of every TOS hardcover book).

The other card I am posting about is Tim Butcher.  Now I met Tim in 2016 at the Vegas Star Trek convention, while I was talking to Gary Graham.  It was funny because Tim was totally shocked and almost speechless to see me, while Gary Graham was standing right there!  I was kind of embarrassed, being the huge Gary Graham fan I am, but Tim was totally gracious and we chatted at length about Axanar and the lawsuit.  Since then I have been on Tim’s Christmas card list and there is always a Star Trek photo in there of Tim and his family.  This year, his card itself was my favorite card as it is a classic image of Christmas past.

So thank you to Mark and Tim, and to every Axanar fan who wished us a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or Happy Festivus!


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