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How Netflix Handled its Fans – Part I

By December 18, 2017Axanar News

There is a reason Netflix is the hottest media company in the world, and old school studios and broadcast TV are struggling.  It is the way these companies think. There is no better example, than Netflix’ recent Cease and Desist letter to a Chicago area pop-up bar themed after Stranger Things, Netflix runaway hit show. Instead of suing its fans, Netflix sent an ingenuous Cease and Desist letter.

“Danny and Doug,” the letter started out…

My walkie talkie is busted so I had to write this note instead. I heard you launched a Stranger Things pop-up bar at your Logan Square location. Look, I don’t want you to think I’m a total wastoid, and I love how much you guys love the show. (Just wait until you see Season 2!) But unless I’m living in the Upside Down, I don’t think we did a deal with you for this pop-up. You’re obviously creative types, so I’m sure you can appreciate that it’s important to us to have a say in how our fans encounter the worlds we build.

We’re not going to go full Dr. Brenner on you, but we ask that you please (1) not extend the pop-up beyond its 6 week run ending in September, and (2) reach out to us for permission if you plan to do something like this again. Let me know as soon as possible that you agree to these requests.

We love our fans more than anything, but you should know the Demogorgon is not always as forgiving. So please don’t make us call your mom.

Adweek wrote:

That this kind of writing is coming out of Netflix’s legal department shows not just that creativity is valued across the company, but that there’s a refreshing awareness that cease-and-desist letters are marketing materials too—and usually ones that, if made public, don’t reflect too well on the brand.

Read the whole article here:

Netflix Sent the Best Cease-and-Desist Letter to This Unauthorized Stranger Things Bar

And you want to see the bar this is all about?  Check it out here.  And here are some photos:

Netflix is the king of streaming services. And they clearly intend to stay that way.


Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • Michael Whay says:

    While this was one of the company’s more positive interactions. Netflix doesn’t always have good relations with its fans. Look at the canceling Sense8 and the social media blacklash. Just as a replay of Constantine, the show was canceled no matter the appeal. But fans were enraged when they thought they saved the show when only they were being acknowledged. It was a semi-win with a 2hr wrap-up but only because the PR embarrassment. But it’s inheritant of the problem that when it comes to content the fans have no say.

    • Alec Peters says:

      Those are business decisions, not fan interactions. You can disagree with their business decisions, but those are made based on millions of viewers, not the smaller subset of fans.

  • Chris Butcher says:

    Meanwhile, Star Trek withers on the vine because CBS lacks the creativity, common sense and awareness of its need of, and obligation to, the fans. How very sad. Well, maybe Netflix should buy Star Trek from CBS. They (CBS) wouldn’t have to be “bothered” with it (or us!) and we can take our money and our enthusiasm and place it back into an IT that loves and respects it’s fans. That’s what I want for Christmas, Santa! LLAP

  • Jay says:

    Personally, I think they handled this issue with the bar in an epic fashion. The bar owner gets the message loud and clear (hopefully) and they even get a cool letter from the studio to frame on the wall. This was a big WIN-WIN for the studio and the fans. Hollywood would do well using this interaction as a mindset for handling fan situations going forward.

  • The fact that Netflix took the time to respond in such a Clever And MATURE way, probably not only saved Netflix a problem with negative publicity, but it also got some good FREE publicity for a little bar in the Logan square Neighborhood of Chicago.

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