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Axanar Podcast # 50

By November 13, 2017Axanar News

Axanar Podcast # 50 is live! You can find it here.

We have also left the network and so our podcast page is here. has been very good to us, but now with Discovery, is trying to build a closer relationship with CBS and Axanar remains a sore point with CBS.  SO to help, we have shifted off their website, but remain on the Libsyn network, so nothing changes as to how the Axanar Podcast is delivered.

Here is to another 50!


Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Michael Rose says:

    Now to me and this is my own opinion, is Cannon. I would pay big money to see a full feature film.

  • Michael Rose says:

    Another me? Sorry just had to comment on that.

    But really, it kind of stinks that anything to do with ‘official’ Star Trek may be off the table for getting information out, at this rate. Been pointing this site to people who think Axanar is gone completely. Still disappointed that it’s going to be just Two, 15 min segments instead of the full story it deserved. But thank you for pushing on, to all of you.

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