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Captain’s Log – October 22nd, 2017

By October 23, 2017Captain's Log

James Simpson and Michael Foster react to…something!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Yesterday was the second OWC Studios Open House, this time for all the wonderful volunteers who have helped during our move in weekend and the second volunteer weekend.  We also had a few new people come down, including one fan, Jon Tessler, who flew down from Virginia! Overall, we had just over 40 fans in attendance.

OWC Founder and studio sponsor Larry O’Connor

And best of all, Larry O’Connor, the founder and owner of Other World Computing flew in from Austin, Texas.  So we got to thank Larry in person and show off the studio his company is sponsoring!

We even had Paul Jenkins stop by with his boys and we did an impromptu table read of a couple of scenes on the bridge!

Fans hanging out on the bridge before we got going

One of our core Axanar volunteers, Steve Dixon, tests out the controls

Lunch was had and Prelude was watched!

Fans on the bridge for our script reading!

Sam Travis’ uniform on display

The obligatory shot!

Hailing frequencies open!

You can read about the event from a fan’s perspective here on Jon Tessler’s blog

Thanks to everyone who attended!


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