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Captain’s Log – September 10th, 2017

By September 23, 2017Captain's Log

Dana Wagner built this house himself!

Sunday, September 10th, 2017

Well, this blog actually covers the entire week after Dragon Con.  But the week ends on a great note as Dana Wagner, Dean Newbury’s trusted right hand working on the bridge, invited Crysstal and I to a BBQ with his wife and him at their amazing house.  Dana actually built the house himself!  So you know when it comes to getting the bridge up to snuff, he is the man to do it.  His lovely wife Allison also was one of our main volunteers during the second volunteer weekend, so together they are the power couple of OWC Studios!

Dana and Allison, two awesome Axanar volunteers

Dana working on the house

Allison worked on the house too!

This room will serve as Dana’s recording studio

The amazing bar!

So after touring he amazing house and drinking some wine, Dana BBQ’d some amazing salmon and then we watched The Orville!

And yes, The Orville was awesome.  So happy we have a great sci fi show to watch (for free!).  So while we work on getting the studio in good shape, finishing the auction cataloging for lots for a big Star Trek auction, and getting back to pre-production on the next two episodes of Axanar, we took a break to share time with our new Atlanta friends.  A great time.







Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Roger Robertson says:

    So glad you & Miss Cryss are blending in with the locals ! I think it’d be a blast hanging out some afternoon with you two ! Dana & Allison, you couldn’t have befriended any better two people, than our Cap’n & Miss Cryss !! BTW Dana & Allison …… nice house. Only improvement I see it needs is a dartboard in the bar area, but that’s just me. #IstandwithAxanar !!
    #IstandBESIDEAlecPeters !!

    • Roger Robertson says:

      I too, am enjoying ‘The Orville’. So far, it’s hard to pick which character is my favorite, but Bortus is in the lead, but only by a micron !!

  • Chris Butcher says:

    Glad you guys took time to time to smell the bar-b-que! Everyone needs a break from time to time and Dana and Allison’s house looks awesome!

  • Dear Alec,
    I think the whole world owes you an apology. For instance, here is what I’ve been posting to sites doing reviews of Discovery.
    “Now we know the REAL reason they went after Alec Peters, they {or Eugene R. for that
    matter} wanted to air their own war series, in that case it is not only dirty pool
    but despicable. Besides ,if you read the first Making of book or David Gerrolds World
    of Star Trek, the real Klingon homeworld is Kahz, Qu’nos is a god damn Okuda invention.”

    I’m in some very good company, though others, Like ‘Captain Foley’ of Trekyards [though I like to call them Trektards] from all over the ‘net fans are polar opposites of the critics, what they love, we fans detest, and what they butchered, we love. If you didn’t know, Discovery versus Orville, the latter had me cheering and clapping in the first two episodes, hanging on the edge of my seat during the third. The former I’m still going WTF did I just watch? Now you yourself were just going to bring us another war movie, and here was my thought on that, related to The Orville. Re: to their third episode.
    “Knocked me for a loop, like Roddenberry, MacFarlane probably presented ‘The Orville’ as one thing but as Nichelle Nichols said to G.R. , and I don’t have the exact quote, “…you’re sneaking in morality plays, aren’t you Gene?” Seth is getting serious, in a way this is better than TNG. As for me in the past defending Axanar, Alec Peters was just bringing us another shoot-’em-up war movie. Now I ask you, aren’t you sick of war movies? Leave that to Star Wars. This is the kind of stuff I want to see in my old age. I hope STD barfs and croaks, I’ll download it and watch, but I won’t miss it if it disappears. I hope the USS Orville sails the stars for a long time.”

    Even though we lost Richard Hatch, I hope someday that you can bring back Axanar at the length and as close to the original vision that you had.

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